Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just a few more days

Well, we are inland (about 2 hours northwest of Hong Kong) and are
feeling the gusty winds already from the typhoon. Please pray that we
will be able to fly out safely from Guangzhou on Friday (Thursday
night US time). I expect it will be a turbulent flight which I am not
looking forward to, but as long as we get home safely on Friday, then
that's the main concern. We are concerned that fights will be delayed
in Beijing if flights out of Hong Kong are cancelled or delayed.
Please keep all travelling adoptive families in your prayers. We are
all eager to get home soon!!

Good Wishes,

Courtney ~ where community supports adoptive families
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keeping you all in our prayers as you begin your journey home. Can't wait to meet the newest member of your family!
Rachel Potter (Bob, Grace & Jackson too!)