Monday, July 30, 2007

Latest Word

The latest word is that the CCAA is sending referrals through Nov. 21, 2005 LID, but it's not been confirmed. This is "okay" progress, but referrals through the end of November would be better. If this is true, then we'll have only 22 days worth of applications between us and our referral. When you can break it down into mere days, it feels good -- like we're finally getting out of the woods here... though it's still taking a month to match about 7 days worth of applications. We're still hoping that November 22 LID is not so big that it would take an entire month to match just this one day; however, it could. But we're hoping that it won't and that we'll be in the October batch...please, oh, please, oh, please!!

Almost there...keep pushing...boy, this is some long labor and delivery!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Breathe. Slow and steady. And....the pain is manageable. :) love you. a.