Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Serving the Poor and Orphaned, Sharing God's Love

"my house takes in children and puppies as if they were flowers picked up on the side of the road. i believe that Jesus would have done the same, so i simply keep the doors open. while i have been away we acquired a new little girl named joyce to my house full of orphans. i was on the phone talking to joyce this morning and this is what she said: "thank you for food mommy. today i am still alive." my heart stopped."

"I believe that it is better to give yourself away and in the end feel that your heart is being ripped out of your chest than to guard yourself and forgo the pain. I have given everything I have – my life, my soul, myself. My heart is entangled in the lives of these children, this mess of poverty, this spiritual joy. I can actually physically feel the hurt in my heart, and as I kiss my daughters goodnight or feel a street kid’s tiny fingers wrap around mine it is almost more than I can bear. But I wouldn’t change a minute. If not being quite as involved, not loving with everything I have, not changing lives would eliminate this hurt of leaving, I would choose the pain."

I'm reading about Katie's journey to Africa. She's a young woman, serving God and the poor in Uganda by caring for orphans. She has established a ministry that is paying for the education of 150 children. Visit her blog. You'll be inspired by her heart for orphans. You can sponsor a child for just $300 a year.

Her Ministry:
Amazima Ministries in an organization based in Uganda, East Africa. We are striving keep these children alive, and not only that, but to give them life to the fullest. We want to educate the poorest of the poor here intellectually and spiritually. Today, Amazima Ministries shares Christ's love with 150 children, providing them with school fees, supplies, healthy meals, medical needs, and spiritual encouragement. We provide a home and a family for children who have never had the luxury of either. We provide encouragement physically, emotionally, and spiritually to those who need it most. We provide these children with truth. The truth of a bigger world through education, but more importantly the truth of a God who created them beautifully in His image, a God who loves them and values them and wants the best for them. These children have never known that kind of love. We would like to do more but we need your help. To ensure that these 150 children stay in school, stay cared for, stay alive each needs an individual sponsor . This is made possible for as little as $300.00 per year. If you can't sponsor a child at this time, maybe there is another way you can help. Skip two Starbucks coffees and a coke at lunch and that ten dollars can be used to provide a dying child with needed malaria medicine or provide a pregnant mother in the village with a birthing kit containing gloves, soap, a sterile razor blade and string to minimize the risk of infection and illness for her and her baby. Spread the word. Print a few of these forms and give them to someone who you think can sponsor a child. Pray. Hope. Believe that our world can be better. Together we can change the world and spread God's unending love to those in need.

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