Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Elyza and Levi

How is E doing as a big sister? E is a wonderful Jie Jie! She has been
so sweet and also trying to engage him in play. She's an independent
kid so she hasn't been showing much jealousy. We are thankful that her
Nana is here to give her lots of attention.

Levi is getting more and more comfortable with his Nana, Jay and
Elyza. He only wanted me to hold him for the first 2 days, but now he
will let his Nana hold him. he will give us all kisses on the cheek.
He is a little jealous of E, but is getting better each day. He and E
are like night and day. Where Elyza is a challenge, he is easy and
where he is a challenge, she is easy. They are like yin and yang.

Levi seems to be a really smart kid and is already mimicking English
words. He's a quick learner for sure. He is ready to potty train and
motions when he has gone potty in his diaper. he is eager to learn new
things and used a toothbrush after I showed him how. He flips through
the photo album that we sent to him and points to himself and says,
"Aohang" and he points to his nana and me and says, "Nie Nie and
Mama". I think he is saying other words in Chinese when he looks at
the album. So his nannies must have read and looked at the album with
him. His fine motor skills are excellent. He is stubborn and moody at
times, but I think that also has to do with terrible two's.

We are all getting to know each other better and things are improving
each day. I'm very thankful to God for his hand in the transition.
Thanks also for your prayers!

Good Wishes,

Courtney ~ where community supports adoptive families
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Andrea said...

"nie nie and mama"
be still my heart.
God is knitting your hearts together!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love that his name means navigator that is soooo cool!!! His story moved me! You guys are amazing!! I love you!! EC

a Tonggu Momma said...

I love hearing your updates... congratulations again!

Crystal said...

It's getting late, and I have to go to bed soon... and there are nooooooooooooooo updates :(


Debbie said...

So very happy to hear all the progress and how well it is going! What a wonderful, beautiful family God has put together!


Angie Purdy said...

I had a dream about ya'll last night...we were at Momma's and Levi and Elyza and you and Jay were there and Levi was smiling and happy and Elyza was too...we were all singing and enjoying the family.....Can't wait to meet Levi!!!!

Unknown said...

We are so anxious to meet Levi and have you back in the neighboorhood. Best wishes and congratulations to all of you

Anonymous said...

what a smiley baby!! sweet sweet happy for your family!!

The Blaszczynski Family said...

Just so amazed at Gods timing and purpose for us all. What a beautiful family you have! Love Amanda